

Journal papers


Conference proceedings

  • Scott McDougall, Nahyan Rana, Negar Ghahramani, Daniel Adria, Andrea Walsh, Kayleigh Barlow, Megan McKellar, Stephen Evans, Andy Take
    American Geophysical Union Annual Meeting, San Francisco, December 2023
  • Nahyan Rana, Negar Ghahramani, Andy Small, Scott McDougall, Andy Take, Stephen Evans
    Improvements in case history knowledge for dam failures by statistical and remote sensing methods (CanBreach project)
    27th International Conference on Tailings and Mine Waste, Vancouver, November 2023, pages 275-286
  • Negar Ghahramani, Daniel Adria, Sally Innis, Nahyan Rana, Evelyn Dina, Nadja Kunz, Stephen Evans, Andy Take, Scott McDougall
    Methods for empirical and numerical analysis of tailings flow runout (CanBreach project)
    27th International Conference on Tailings and Mine Waste, Vancouver, November 2023, pages 251-262
  • Megan McKellar, Andrea Walsh, Kayleigh Barlow, Ryan Mulligan, Scott McDougall, Stephen Evans, Andy Take
    Physical and numerical modeling of tailings dam breach processes (CanBreach project)
    27th International Conference on Tailings and Mine Waste, Vancouver, November 2023, pages 240-250
  • Nahyan Rana, Stephen Evans, Negar Ghahramani, Scott McDougall, Andy Take
    The magnitude-frequency of tailings flows resulting from failures of tailings impoundments
    25th International Conference on Tailings and Mine Waste, Banff, November 2021, pages 509-516
  • Daniel Adria, Negar Ghahramani, Anda Cen, Scott McDougall, Nahyan Rana, Stephen Evans, Andy Take
    Advancements in the modelling of tailings dam breaches
    25th International Conference on Tailings and Mine Waste, Banff, November 2021, pages 324-332
  • Megan McKellar, Andrea Walsh, Scott McDougall, Stephen Evans, Andy Take
    3rd Mine Waste and Tailings Conference, Brisbane, July 2021
  • Nahyan Rana, Negar Ghahramani, Stephen Evans, Scott McDougall, Andy Take
    3rd Mine Waste and Tailings Conference, Brisbane, July 2021
  • Negar Ghahramani, Nahyan Rana, Shielan Liu, Joanna Chen, Daley Clohan, Scott McDougall, Stephen Evans, Andy Take
    3rd Mine Waste and Tailings Conference, Brisbane, July 2021
  • Sally Innis, Negar Ghahramani, Nahyan Rana, Scott McDougall, Stephen Evans, Andy Take, Nadja Kunz
    Automated hazard mapping of tailings storage facility failures
    24th International Conference on Tailings and Mine Waste, November 2020, pages 661-669
  • Negar Ghahramani, Scott McDougall, Andrew Mitchell, Stephen Evans, Andy Take, Vanessa Cuervo
    Introducing a runout zone classification for the analysis of tailings flows
    23rd International Conference on Tailings and Mine Waste, Vancouver, November 2019, pages 555-568
  • Andrea Walsh, Andy Take, Scott McDougall, Stephen Evans
    Physical modelling of tailings dam breach
    23rd International Conference on Tailings and Mine Waste, Vancouver, November 2019, pages 705-714



  • Daniel Adria, Nahyan Rana
    Case history databases
    Recent advances in tailings dam breach analysis workshop, 35th Annual Conference & Trade Show of the Canadian Dam Association, Niagara Falls, October 2024
  • Negar Ghahramani
    Improved numerical predictive modelling of potential dam breaches and their downstream impacts
    Recent advances in tailings dam breach analysis workshop, 35th Annual Conference & Trade Show of the Canadian Dam Association, Niagara Falls, October 2024
  • Andy Take
    Physical and numerical modelling of overtopping dam breach
    Recent advances in tailings dam breach analysis workshop, 35th Canadian Dam Association Annual Conference & Trade Show, Niagara Falls, October 2024
  • Scott McDougall
    Tailings dam breach analysis: new data and insights from the CanBreach project
    Towards safer tailings dams workshop, Norwegian Geotechnical Institute, Oslo, September 2023
  • Scott McDougall
    The CanBreach research project
    Canadiam Dam Association Mining Dams Committee, January 2023
  • Scott McDougall
    An overview of the CanBreach project
    Tailings dam breach analysis workshop, 23rd International Conference on Tailings and Mine Waste, Vancouver, November 2019
  • Scott McDougall, Negar Ghahramani, Stephen Evans, Andy Take, Andrea Walsh
    CanBreach: an integrated tailings dam breach research and technology development project
    Tailings research workshop, 87th Annual Meeting of the International Commission on Large Dams, Ottawa, June 2019
  • Andrea Walsh, Andy Take, Scott McDougall, Stephen Evans
    CanBreach: physical modelling of tailings dam breach
    Tailings research workshop, 87th Annual Meeting of the International Commission on Large Dams, Ottawa, June 2019